Hey, I am Florence, A Software Developer
It's nice to meet you
To My Portfolio


These are some of the projects I have worked on.

The Night Loop
A django web application that allows you to be in the loop about everything happening in your neighborhood. From contact information of different handyman to meeting announcements or even alerts.
Project Awwwards
A Django application that allows a user to post a project he/she has created and get it reviewed by his/her peers.
Angular web application where users can create quotes and have those quotes voted on whether they are terrible or are inspirational.
One Pitch
A flask web application deployed on heroku that allows users to submit one minute pitches and have other users vote and leave comments on them to give feedback.
Akan Name Generator
A web app that takes a user's birthday, calculates day of birth and depending on their gender outputs their Akan Name. Built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.
The Nightngale
A blog for tutorials on interesting concepts I learnt and those that I found challenging during my software development journey.
The Nightngale Pizzeria
A web application for The Nightngale Pizzeria. Customers order different sizes of pizzas with one or more toppings.
Kots Events
A website for Kots Events, an events planning company. It is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Personal Blog
This a flask web application where you can create,share, read and comment on. It also displays random quotes to inspire users.

About Me

Software Development journey.